Category Archives: Mobile payments

Mobile payments in Fintech

New Fintech payment companies and some not so new

Are you up-to-date on the most recent Fintech start-ups and companies flourishing in the online payments category ? More and more companies have been created around the world and it is getting difficult to catch on. Read on for a selection of new companies and some not so new that we believe you should know about.
wpid-wp-1443365691232.jpgWhether it is POS, e-wallets, mobile payments, wearables  or cards, we present you a list of worldwide Fintech companies trying to innovate within the category of payments.

Ugo Wallet is a Continue reading New Fintech payment companies and some not so new

Fintech Companies in Online Payments

Fintech companies, investors and entrepreneurs have realised the opportunities that lie behind the hundreds of thousands of unbanked internet users around the world. All over the world, a new company pops up every month with the promise of a new payment revolution. From the big Internet giants to the smallest 3-men team in a garage. We present you at Fintech Valley a list of 20 online payment companies that are looking to disrupt the well established payment scene.


The Singaporean based 2c2p company, provides online payments across the South East Asia region: Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Their portfolio of Continue reading Fintech Companies in Online Payments

Fintech and Payments – looking for Innovation

Innovation is a part of the idea of the Fintech definition. This is also the case for all Fintech industries and verticals, including payments. In some cases, however, payment companies try to jump on the bandwagon of the Fintech innovation, and we can only wonder where the new contributions of these companies are. 


Online payments are not new, at least not in Internet years. It is in fact one of the first developments in the world-wide web during the late nineties. The movie Middle Men is a good example about the massification of online payments in those years.

Since then, dozens of companies that provide credit card processing

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Fintech Social Money or Crowdpay – your Friends, Money and you

Fintech companies are combining the ability to crowd money for a gift or to share a bill together with social network features and the user’s mobile device. Read on to get to know more about these companies and how they achieve this.


What is the result of the combination of money transfer, mobile devices, and social networks? The answer is Social Money or Crowdpay. At Fintech Valley we are for sure not the first ones to come-up with these concepts but we want to be some of the first ones to provide you with an overview of the companies that work with these technologies.

Here is a drop down of some of them, based in

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Fintech Cross Promotion – Practical Case London YoYo Payments and Hummus Bros

We show you a practical case of how a London Fintech company and a Restaurant are using cross-promotion marketing techniques to increase their sales / and technology adaptation. What can other Fintech companies learn from these cases? Read on.


In London, not very far from the Bank of England, we came accross a Hummus Bros restaurant outlet (it seems they have several branches accross the city). Apart from the excellent food, what called our attention was the advertisement on the paper bag that contained the hummus: Yoyo mobile payments.

This can be a great and smart way to cross-promote and encourage the use of a new payment method and

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